
The Certified Independent Professional Certification

… enables every self-employed person to have their self-employed status certified and successfully win new projects.

CERTIFIED INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL (CIP) against the risks of false self-employment.

The serious risks of false self-employment and their consequences for  clients, contractors and suppliers exists in several EU States. But  nowhere is there such intensive checking and legal prosecution as in  Germany. For this problem, which focuses on Germany, we have so far offered a German-language website. Because more and more companies have asked us to offer the online questionnaire in English for their international employees, we can now offer an English version.

Creating an English-language online questionnaire covering legal topics was not a trivial task. It required extensive research, careful wording, and thorough review to ensure the information was accurate and understandable. Due to the complexity and high legal demands, this process took more time than expected. Therefore, it will still take time before we can publish our entire website in English.

For the meantime, we have a hands-on interim solution with a licence agreement, a navigation aid and a German/English translation, which you can request via the following email address:


The renowned magazine FOCUS gave the CIP Certified Independent Professional GmbH (from among 25,500 companies for the selection and award ceremony process) the ward “INNOVATION CHAMPION 2024”.

Source: FOCUS-SIEGEL „Innovationschampion 2024″

Due to the false self-employment criteria, which can be freely interpreted in every individual case, there is a particularly high level of legal uncertainty in Germany, which leads to general suspicion of self-employed and freelancers. Unfortunately, this means that the self-employed/freelancers are no longer commissioned, even if they are instructed over third parties. Many are unknowingly false self-employed and can cause great damage to their customers.

We are not responsible for these criteria. The CIP Certified Independent Professional GmbH has developed an algorithm that clarifies the complex questions of a state examination “status determination procedure” (Statusfeststellungsverfahren) in advance and includes the framework conditions relevant for a judicial decision in court, instead of first clarifying them in long and complex court proceedings over months or years.

The problem of false self-employment

The „sword of Damocles“ of a status determination procedure (SFV) with possibly years of additional payments and penalties for violations of the law hovers over every external assignment (also via third parties). Each order is evaluated individually, and unpleasant findings must be challenged in court by you and your clients. Customers are also threatened with subcontractor liability, according to which a company must pay for the social security obligations of its suppliers. It is almost impossible for clients to perceive individual changes during the performance of each individual external party, let alone control them.

What do clients do when faced with such risks?

Those who decide in the company about your assignment fear long years of high back payments, penalties and even consequences for their own career and position. Even if you are firmly convinced that you are not false self-employed, thousands of self-employed people are not hired because of this uncertainty and do not even find out the real reasons for their rejection. How would you decide if you could not check the information provided by your suppliers, but had to bear the consequences mentioned above? Wouldn’t you also only hire the self-employed through temporary work or switch to permanent positions? CIP is the alternative!

What does my client do with my CIP-Certification?

Comparable to employment reference texts, the CIP algorithm summarizes only positive text content in a certificate for Certified Independent Professional. Based on the answers in the questionnaire, they justify why there can be no false self-employment in this personal case. The CIP confirms a declaration of commitment and agrees to comply with these rules in a binding manner. All information is data protection compliant. CIPs have agreed to this. The client can check the authenticity / validity, prove his legal control obligation and protect himself and you optimally against impending compliance/liability cases. A mouse click on the yellow-framed ID code, enter your name and your client can regularly check that your certificate is authentic and validity. Time requirement for your client: Just a few seconds. Here is a link to the readable sample PDF: https://cip-scheinselbststaendig.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/MUSTER-CIP-Steffi-MUSTERMANNN-2.pdf

Price List and Services


  • CIP-Certification = less than 1 € per day and tax deductible.
  • If a certification is unsuccessful, there are no costs. You can eliminate any risks and try again. Anyone who fails pays nothing until successful initial certification.
  • CIP includes an unlimited number of individual “proforma certifications” for your offers, also for other customers in order to convince your desired client with a CIP certificate. You can “cip” the individually framework conditions to be expected by your new client.
  • CIP levels are not “selectable”. The standardized algorithm decides which certification level you achieve.
  • Only those who are actually self-employed / freelancers receive CIP certificates.
  • CIP certification levels are safe from Bronze.

Expenditure of time:

  • Answering the online questionnaire takes between 45 and 60 minutes, including downloading your CIP certificate immediately afterwards. You can send your certificate electronically to your desired or current client by e-mail.
  • Your CIP certificate requires an update every 3 months by taking changes into your CIP-profile. That takes 5 minutes. You send your new CIP certificate (unsolicited) to your client / customer.
  • Every self-employed/freelancer should deal with the topic of false self-employment for their own protection and for the protection of their clients.
  • Imagine additional payments, the loss of an order or, under certain circumstances, even penalties are disproportionate to the one-time answering of an online questionnaire.

CIP Certified Independent Professional GmbH
Theresienstrasse  1 
80333 Munich

Certify in order to differentiate yourself from
false self-employed

Phone   +49 89 9545 982 0 

Hotline   +49 89 9545 982 90

Email  info@cip-scheinselbststaendig.de 

Web  www.cip-scheinselbststaendig.de